Here's what makes me fume. The folks who claim helping people who need help, somehow, takes away from "regular" folks, all the while these very same folks suck up 2/3rds of the earth's resources. If these greedy little pigs gave even a 10th of their respources over to making the world a better place, we would have a shot at ending homelessnes and hunger, providing medical care and clean water, and placing displaced people. All of this would be possible if, instead of telling us to guard their troughs, they stopped being piggish.
The French decided, in the 1789, that greedy little pigs could not be reeducated. They opted for the, "off with their heads" method of political change. Here we all are again, with those same heads reinvented.
I would love to believe that change is possible without violence. I'm not sure I do believe it, but I would love to. I will do all I can to promote non-violent change and hope and hope and hope I live to see a better humanity and a better world.
Mind you, I am not in any way opposed to folks reaching their highest potential. That’s part of human nature. I would just like to see a system where every human has their basic needs for food, housing, water and medical care met and then, folks who want to fly to Mars on a whim can go right ahead.
"Now, more than ever, has the topic of economic inequality been relevant. By September of 2020, the wealth of American billionaires grew by 845 billion dollars, all while millions of Americans struggle with the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (Business Insider, Sardana, 2020). To put that into perspective, that is about equal to the GDP of the Netherlands – all in the hands of less than a thousand people."
"Just how much wealth do American billionaires have? Worldwide, there are a little over 2000 billionaires. Among them, 10.2 trillion US dollars-worth of wealth – higher than the GDP of every country sparing the United States and China (UBS, 2020). According to Forbes, the 20 wealthiest Americans are worth about 1 trillion dollars, about 1% of American wealth. To put this into perspective, 0.00000625% of the population owns 1% of the wealth; this is about 160 thousand times their proportional share."'
Michigan Journal of Economics
“Emissions from billionaire lifestyles, their private jets and yachts are thousands of times the average person, which is already completely unacceptable. But if we look at emissions from their investments, then their carbon emissions are over a million times higher,” said Dabi.
"Contrary to average people, studies show the world's wealthiest individuals' investments account for up to 70 percent of their emissions."
"I would just like to see a system where every human has their basic needs for food, housing, water and medical care met and then, folks who want to fly to Mars on a whim can go right ahead. "
I couldn't agree more.
As Russia continues to fragment due to their wasted war efforts, we will see more desperate chaos in Russia. GOP people who have enjoyed cash flow from Russia and NRA will begin to see that cash flow cut off with the financial collapse happening in Russia. The rise of Kamala and Tim provides a fresh potential for the BLUE team to expand services to the USA citizens. The pursuit of taxes from the Uber Rich is unswayed, and it will be a battle. My wife and I got our ballots yesterday. We are voting BLUE here in Collierville’s, Tennessee.